Synergy and Health

On Easter weekend, my husband, Izak, finally saw the fulfillment of what had been years in the making. His new book, Synergy of a Divine Kind: A Prophetic Perspective, is truly remarkable and eye-opening and is a must-read for every Christian.

I’m not saying this just because he’s my husband, partner, and best friend. I’m saying this because, as I edited the manuscript, I was challenged and motivated in my own life, thoughts, actions, beliefs, habits, and ultimately my relationship with the King of the Universe over and over. It caused me to re-evaluate what I truly believe about God and His word and what His purpose is for me as a Christian in this world.

It’s very easy to say that we love God and that we are Christians—that is, until the difficulties come, prayers go unanswered, health and financial challenges arise, and hope is deferred. The truthfulness of who we are as Christians is not shown just in the good times; it is demonstrated, exposed, and purified in the crucible of fire.

Over the years, Christianity in this nation has become a watered-down gospel. The concept of being a true disciple has fallen by the wayside, resulting in compromise and conformity to the world and its ways creeping in. Many are no longer living the life that God intends because they have been enticed away and deceived by the master deceiver. And this includes well-meaning Christians who love the Lord!

How do you know that you are deceived if you are deceived?

Satan is the exact antithesis of God in every way. Satan’s whole modus operandi is to steal, kill, and destroy anything or anyone that even remotely looks like Jesus because he absolutely hates Jesus. Satan wants to be God in God’s place and wants everyone to worship him, so he is bent on luring anyone away from God in any way that he can—including wrecking their lives so that they will hate God like he does.

God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Satan is, as well. His tactics and strategies never change. Every day, he throws a deceptive and distorted reality at us to keep us captive and prevent us from learning, knowing, and walking in the truth.

Jesus defeated satan at Calvary and made a spectacle of him and all his demon cohorts when He left hell and was risen back to life in victory, glory, and power. That same overcoming, victorious, and powerful life is ours through belief in Christ Jesus, and not only does satan know it, but he’s furious about it. His goal is not just to have people bow down and worship him, but to keep any Christian from laying hold of the truth of Calvary and then appropriating and walking in that divine revelation and synergistic relationship.

Synergy is a divine concept, one that God created and initiated before the world began.

It is seen all throughout the Bible, starting in Genesis, and weaves its way through the scriptures to Revelation. It is evident in the Godhead—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—and evident in man’s triune nature—spirit, soul, and body.

According to Izak’s book, synergy is “a state in which two or more things work together in a particularly fruitful way that produces an effect greater than the sum of their individual effects.” I want to emphasize here that it’s two things working together, not just one thing working by itself.  The idea that I can be a god unto myself is New Age thinking and eliminates the need for God—a deception from satan.

Divine synergy is loaded with latent, exponential power for every believer. When we learn to work together with God and not oppose Him, to synergize with Him through our own choices, through the indwelling work of Holy Spirit, and through the appropriation and application of His word, it is a catalyst for change and creates positive momentum. In Revelation, it says that we overcome in our lives by two things working synergistically together: the blood of Jesus and the word of our testimony. Jesus + us. Jes+us.

This concept of divine synergy is exactly why I am a biblical health coach.

Health coaching is all about facilitating sustainable behavior and lifestyle changes. Change is hard! Don’t be fooled. It takes physical effort, mental determination, and emotional desire.  It doesn’t happen on its own or overnight. It’s not a quick fix; it’s a process that takes persistence. It takes giving up old habits, thoughts, behaviors, and actions and replacing them with newer, healthier ways. And that, my friend, is not easy to do. We are usually much better at holding on to things than giving them up.

As humans, we have sin patterns that may have been coming with us for a very long time. They have become ingrained and deeply rooted in our minds and our physiology, and can be difficult to dig out, overcome, and break free from on our own. I’m speaking from experience! But this is where the synergy between Holy Spirit and man is crucial and can be the determining factor of success. This is where the regenerative work of Holy Spirit, through His conviction and empowerment, helps us to change our heart motives, change our minds, and ultimately change our physiology.

Subjectivity vs objectivity

Also as humans, we tend to see things through a subjective lens instead of an objective lens. We see through our experiences, education, fears, doubts, social media, what the doctor tells us, etc. Our reality, then, or what is real to us, comes from our subjective view—what we perceive to be real. Unfortunately, subjectivity is a very narrow, confining, limited, skewed view which boxes us in and imprisons us. What we need is to have the veil removed so that we can see an entirely different and new perspective of our circumstances and where we find ourselves. We need to learn to train our spirit, mind, and body to not react to the stimuli of the moment and instead, rise above and out to a clearer view.

In this book, Izak goes into detail about this and provides powerful prophetic insight into how exactly people become prisoners of a completely subjective mindset and how to break free and step into God’s objective reality that brings deliverance, healing, and victory. The concepts he teaches are supported through biblical examples and incredible personal testimonies of dramatic healings and experiences with God.

If you have ever felt stuck, including right now, in any area of your life, you should read this book. You’ll be glad you did.


Also available through any other book retailer such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Christian Books, Kindle, Apple iBook, etc.

If you are interested in learning more or need help in making and implementing lifestyle changes, contact me for a free discovery session to see if we are a fit.  You can learn more about me here.

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