You are what you think: Transform your thoughts with these 6 tips!

You know the saying, “You are what you eat.” But have you ever heard that you are what you think?

There is also the saying “food for thought.” That means that our thoughts need to be fed. A good question is: What are we feeding them?

Are we feeding them good, healthy, wholesome, and nutritious food? Or are we feeding them life-sucking, disease-causing processed, refined, junk food that is full of calories but devoid of nutrition?

HA! Did that get your attention? 😊

Prov 4:23 (GNT) says, “Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.” This is a really powerful scripture to ruminate on. It’s saying that the course of our lives is directed by how we think.

What do you think about God? Do you see Him as a loving, benevolent Father, or as a mean Father, standing there with a big club, waiting to bash you over the head? He will be to you how you think Him to be.

What do you think about the Bible? Is it really God’s word? Is it the truth? Or is it just a storybook written a long time ago that is no longer culturally relevant? The answer will determine how you lead your life.

What do you think about yourself? Are you special? Awesome? Or are you a constant failure? You can never rise above your thoughts about yourself.

What do you think about your purpose in life? Do you believe you were birthed by God for a purpose, and given unique talents and gifts to do something that only you can do? Or are you just going with the flow, allowing others to dictate who you are? Life without purpose is, well, just life. It’s not thriving.

There is great power in your mind—more than you probably realize.

By changing the way you think, you can literally change your life and your health. Satan knows this as well. He wants to keep you from walking in all of the promises that God has for you. He is the master of deceit; he is the father of all lies; he is an expert manipulator of circumstances. He wants to get you sidetracked so you never get to where you are supposed to be, and he uses anyone and any means possible. He’s a total narcissist!

Think about your life. Where are you in relation to where you want to be? What are the things that are holding you back or discouraging you? Being brutally honest with yourself, where are you conforming to what man says and not what God says?

What are the things that are distracting you and pulling you away from seeking God and from spending time in gratitude and thanksgiving of Him? Where are you stuck in the subjectivity of your circumstances and not thinking from the objectivity of God’s word?

In Is 55:8 (MSG), God says, “I don’t think the way you think. The way you work isn’t the way I work…For as the sky soars high above earth, so the way I work surpasses the way you work, and the way I think is beyond the way you think.”

To change, we need to shift our focus and start thinking like God. And to do this, we need to learn what He thinks about things. And to do that, we need to read His word, study His word, and seek the understanding and application of His word through the indwelling power of Holy Spirit and through Godly partnerships. And then, finally, we need to do it.

James 2:14, 17 (NLT) says, “What good is it, dear brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but don’t show it by your actions? Faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless.”

Here are 6 tips to change your thinking:

Unplug! Disconnect from social media, YouTube, emails, Snapchat, and anything else electronic. Give you and your brain some space!

Take notice of your thoughts. Are they generally positive or negative? What are you repeating to yourself? How would you like to change what you are thinking?

Reframe an event. During some quiet moments, see a situation for what happened. Try to look at it non-judgmentally so it doesn’t become self-defeating. Then reframe it and replay it, but in a positive way with a different outcome.

Set time aside for a daily devotional. There are plenty of devotional guides to choose from. All should come with a scripture reference. Ponder on the scripture and the teaching and how they might apply to you. Then be mindful of it during the day, reflecting back on it periodically.

Start talking the talk. Faith comes through hearing. Faith is believing in what we hope for in opposition to what we are experiencing. When we speak the truth of the positive out loud, we have speaking, hearing, and thinking all going on at the same time! The more senses you engage, the better. For example, if you say from scripture, “A joyful mind causes healing,” smile when you say it!

Be loving and accepting of yourself. Changing your thinking can take time, practice, and patience. However, if you persevere, you will reap a harvest in due time!

Remember: You are what you think, because as you think, so are you!


If you are interested in Biblical health coaching, contact me for a free discovery session! You can learn more about me here.

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